Organic solutions

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Offering the choice of organic

Faced with consumers who are increasingly sensitive to the values and benefits of organic products, EUROSERUM has developed a range that will help you offer your consumers the choice of organic products. 

Composed of certified organic milk powders and dairy ingredients, this range benefits from the organic milk collection of the SODIAAL cooperative. Every day, the cooperative and its subsidiaries like EUROSERUM, are committed to an organic solidarity, to pass on an earth and a healthier food to future generations.

Organic Europe and Organic China certified ingredients

Our dairy ingredients are produced in our factories certified organic Europe (ECOCERT) or organic China (WIT), depending on the references and destination for which they are intended. 

In particular, we offer milk powders and demineralized whey powders for infant nutrition, food processing and specialized nutrition. 



Logo ESM avec feuilles

We can offer you the main dairy ingredients for your infant formula, available with organic certification.

Organic demineralized whey powder

Organic milk powders, infant grade


We offer milk protein concentrates that are particularly suitable for protein-enriched products for seniors.

Milk protein concentrate

We offer a range of certified organic ingredients to meet the needs of many food applications, including concentrated dairy products, chocolate, cookies...

Milk powders Partially demineralized whey powders Sweet whey powders

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